Wednesday, 13 February 2013

video animation

we had to download a video from youtube and a song from youtube and then we had to open them up in garage band. after that i had to cut some of the song to fit in the parts of the video, these are two different things, the video is from 'Bed Intruder' and the song is from 'Kitchen Intruder' (A parody of Bed Intruder) to split some of the song i had to highlight some of the song and then go to Edit > cut then move the arrow/line to where i wanted it and then go back to Edit > paste, so i had to past some of the parts where it looked like it needed to be. To save it out i had to export the video by going to share and the export.

Animated GIF's (Where i found this GIF)

I got this picture from tumblr, it is a picture of Eeyore which is from the show Winnie the Pooh, this photo looks like it was made for fun and also there is no reason behind the GIF. (Where i found this GIF)

I got this GIF from tumblr, it is a GIF image from the show Adventure Time. This GIF was made for fun and also there is no reason behind the GIF (Where i found this GIF)

I got this GIF from tumblrm it is a GIF of Charmander from the show Pokemon, this GIF was made for fun because he is running around chasing after his tail.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

To do this video i had to open up IMovie and then import a video, to put different parts into the programme to edit i had to left click and drag over the pieces i wanted to use and then drag them up into the boxes where you put your clips. After that i had to decide where abouts i wanted to put them and put them in order at the beginning i had to put a title and then at the end i had to put credits. to put these i had to click the text logo near where the preview screen was and then pick a title or credit which i wanted to use then drag it into the box and then type in what i wanted. once i did that i had to click the top bar 'share' then export the movie out to turn it into a .Mp4 file.

Motion tweet animation

This is a vector image which i had got off google images, then imported it to flash. To make this an animation i had to import the image to flash then resize it, after i did that i had to go to modify then convert the image to a symbol.

After you had done that you had to go on the frames and click on frame 100 or however long you want the animation for which i chose 100 frames, then you have to right click and add a key frame. After you have done that you move and rotate the image wherever you want or how you want then you have to click at the bottom on the bar 'Tween' and click on the drop down bar 'Motion'
Once you have done that you go to 'Control' and test movie this is where the animation should be working, this is when you go to file and save your project file and then go back onto File and export it out as a movie (.GIF) this then turns it into a .GIF file (an animation picture) and you can then open it to view it in many different programs such as the internet, fireworks and also quicktime.